Food Service
We're hiring! Food service positions are available through Aramark Student Nutrition.
Lunch Menu
BASD lunch menus are available on Nutrislice. Click to view the menus.
School Cafe
Start a new account at SchoolCafe to add money to student accounts: SchoolCafe.
SchoolCafe Resource for Parents.
School Meal Prices
Our typical lunch prices are listed below.
Lunch Prices:
- Elementary - $2.50
- Secondary - $2.75
All students who attend a CEP school (Broad Street, Emily Brittan, McQuistion, Summit, and Center Ave) will receive free lunch. In addition, any student who qualifies for reduced price meals will receive free lunch during the 2024-2025 school year.
Breakfast Prices:
Breakfast is free for all students K-12 during the 2024-2025 school year.
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
Several Butler Area School District schools qualify for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) through the National School Lunch Act. All students at CEP schools receive all meals at no cost to them.
BASD's CEP schools include Broad Street Elementary, Emily Brittain Elementary, McQuistion Elementary, Northwest Elementary, Summit Elementary, and Center Avenue Community School. All students at these schools receive breakfast and lunch for free.
Each student may receive one free breakfast and one free lunch per day. If a student would like a second breakfast or a second lunch, they will be required to pay the prices listed above.
Free and Reduced Meals Application
Children need healthy meals to learn. Butler Area School District offers healthy meals every school day. More information about free/reduced meals, including the application, is available on our website. Click here for more.
Contact Us
Helen Walker