Flyer Distribution Process
Butler Area School District
AR 913.1
Distribution of Printed Material/Flyers
The purpose of this administrative regulation is to improve communication with parents by distributing information that, while not generated by the schools, may be beneficial to students in accordance with Butler Area School District Policy 913.
Who can submit flyers?
The district will adhere to specific guidelines for the posting of information for students and families.
Only the following groups may request to have handouts/ flyers approved for website posting:
- School-related organizations.
- Nonprofit service organizations that provide a beneficial service to students. This does not include fundraisers for nonprofit organizations.
- Local municipalities for sport registrations, festivals, etc.
- Other organizations that, in the judgment of the Superintendent, provide information beneficial to students/ staff.
How are flyers shared?
Electronic Flyers
BASD shares flyers electronically. All flyers will be posted to our website until the event has passed or they are no longer relevant.
Flyers will be posted in one of four categories:
- School District Information and Events – This category is reserved for groups that are affiliated with the school district. Ex: School clubs, organizations, booster groups, Foundation, ect.
- Community Information, Programs and Events – This category is for community organizations that wish to promote their programs and events. Ex: Community rec league sign-ups, community events that are not hosted by the school district.
- Community and Family Resources – This category is for groups that offer resources for the community. Ex: Chip insurance, food bank, free clothing, etc.
- Summer – This category is added each year in the spring and stays up through the summer. This is for any/all summer related activities and events. Ex: Camps, jobs, summer school, etc.
The district shares a link to the flyer page on social media throughout the year to remind the community that this resource exists.
In addition, we will do our best to promote school district related flyers on the district’s social media accounts. Community resources may also be shared on social media. This will be done at the discretion of the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and/or the Director of Communication.
Print Flyers
The district will distribute print flyers at our elementary schools (K-5) on the first Friday of the month. Organizations must receive approval before flyers will be distributed. In addition, this disclaimer must be on the flyer: "The Butler Area School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”
What is the process for submitting a flyer?
To submit a flyer for consideration, please email it to Brian Slamecka ( and Kara Droney ( This disclaimer must be on the flyer: "The Butler Area School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”
Once the flyer is approved, it will be shared on the website and on social media (if it meets the social media criteria). In addition, the organization can make copies for distribution once the flyer is approved.
Electronic Flyers
We will post electronic flyers as quickly as possible. However, organizations should allow at least one week for their flyer to be posted/shared electronically. If a flyer is submitted with less than one week’s notice, we do not guarantee that we will be able to share it.
Flyers will automatically be posted electronically once they are approved. The organization does not have to do anything else.
Print Flyers
The district will distribute print flyers at our elementary schools (K-5) on the first Friday of the month. Organizations must receive approval before flyers will be distributed.
Once the flyer is approved, the organization should make copies, bundle them by class size and deliver them to the school(s). The class sizes are noted below.
The print flyers will be distributed on the first Friday of the month (October - May). Flyers must be in the office by the Wednesday prior to distribution.
School | K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Specialized |
Broad Street |
2x19 |
2x23 |
2x20 |
2x17 |
2x18 |
2x18 |
Center Township |
5x19 |
5x19 |
5x19 |
4x24 |
4x24 |
4x24 |
6x9 |
Connoquenessing |
3x15 |
2x19 |
3x19 |
3x18 |
2x22 |
3x19 |
Emily Brittain |
2x20 |
2x20 |
2x22 |
2x24 |
2x21 |
2x23 |
4x8 |
McQuistion |
4x22 |
4x18 |
5x19 |
4x21 |
4x20 |
4x26 |
3x10 |
Northwest |
3x20 |
4x17 |
4x20 |
3x23 |
3x20 |
3x25 |
1x6 |
Summit |
2x21 |
2x15 |
3x18 |
2x23 |
2x26 |
3x21 |
What must be included (or not included) on my flyer?
The district will absolutely not post any flyers that reference alcohol, drugs, violence or anything else that is not consistent with our code of conduct. Please take that into consideration.
Flyers for programs/ events/ activities that are not school sponsored must include the following disclaimer: "The Butler Area School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”
Ideally flyers will be sized 8.5 in x 11 in and submitted as both a PDF and JPG. We’ll do our best to work with other sizes if that’s all you have.
School organizations are also welcome to create versions of their flyer for social media. The flyer size works ok for Facebook and Twitter, but you may want to consider resizing for Instagram and Facebook/Instagram stories. This is not required. If you choose not to send social media graphics, we’ll do our best to work with what you send. Sizes are below for your reference. is a great free resource for creating flyers and social media graphics.
- Instagram post (size: 1080 px X 1080 px)
- Instagram/Facebook stories (size: 1080 px X 1920 px)
- Facebook post (size: 940 px X 788 px)
- Twitter post (size: 1600 px X 900 px)
Contact Dr. Brian Slamecka at or Kara Droney at