Volunteer Clearance Policy
The PA House passed Act 153 of 2014 into law on October 22, 2014 and Act 15 of 2015 on July 1, 2015. These new PA laws took effect for the 2015-2016 school year and applies to employees and unpaid volunteers who are responsible for the welfare of a child or have direct contact with children. While many community-based programs and religiously-affiliated organizations have long required background checks for volunteers, these laws provides a specific directive on the timing and type of background checks now required.
Clearances cannot be more than one (1) year old when filed with the District.
The records will be valid though the end of the school year and for four (4) more school years.
The Butler Area School District passed the Volunteer Clearance Policy on December 8, 2014 with an updated version passed on November 21, 2016. The policy identifies three types of school volunteers, listed below.
1. Independent Volunteers - Any individual over the age of eighteen (18) who meets ALL of the following:
Examples of Independent Volunteers - Daytime or overnight field trip chaperones; volunteer tutors; PTO officers; individuals who volunteer to provide counseling or health-related services to students.
Steps for Independent Volunteers:
2. Assistive Volunteers - Any individual over the age of eighteen (18) who meets ALL of the following:
Examples of Assistive Volunteers - Homeroom parents/guardians; volunteers who assist in the planning or conducting of classroom or school celebrations; volunteers who visit a classroom to speak or read to students; and concert/performance ushers.
Steps for Assistive Volunteers:
3. Volunteer Coaches/Sponsors - Any individual over the age of eighteen (18) who meets ALL of the following:
Examples of Volunteer Coaches/Sponsors - Individuals who volunteer to serve on the coaching staff of an athletic team; volunteer athletic trainers; equipment managers; choreographers, musicians, and other individuals who provide instruction to students in the marching band, school musicals or school plays.
Steps for Volunteer Coaches/Sponsors:
Please click here to view how to obtain your clearance information.
- Voluntarily provides services to the School District, without compensation.
- Works under the general direction and supervision of any School District employee.
- Provides direct services to students or may, from time to time, have or may be reasonably expected to have unsupervised contact with students.
- Complete the online volunteer form located at: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/Mzg4OmVuLVVT
- Download and complete the required Clearance forms.
- Submit all 3 required clearances to the school secretary or to the Administration building.
- Once approved, show your photo ID to the secretary or school police each time you enter a school building and say that you are a volunteer.
- You will be provided a volunteer badge from the secretary or school police that can be used for that day.
- Voluntarily provides services to the School District, without compensation.
- Always works directly under the supervision and direction of any School District employee.
- Does not have routine interaction with students.
- Complete the online volunteer form located at: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/Mzg4OmVuLVVT
- Show your photo ID to the secretary or school police each time you enter a school building and say that you are a volunteer.
- You will be provided a volunteer badge from the secretary or school police that can be used for that day.
- Shall not have unsupervised contact with students.
- Are not required to obtain clearances.
- Voluntarily provides services to the School District, without compensation.
- Works under the general direction and supervision of a coach or student activity sponsor employed by the District.
- Directly supervises or instructs students engaged in the activity or may, from time to time, have or may be reasonably expected to have unsupervised contact with students.
- Complete the online volunteer form located at: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/Mzg4OmVuLVVT
- Download and complete the required Clearance forms.
- Show your photo ID to the secretary or school police each time you enter a school building and say that you are a volunteer coach.
- Must have Clearances described below.
- Must obtain a tuberculosis (TB) test as required by the Department of Health.